Tailgating – too close for comfort!

Date: 2nd Wednesday, January, 2019

Tailgating.   Most of us have encountered this awful phenomenon at some point in our driving history.  That uncomfortable feeling you experience when someone, who you have no knowledge of or connection to, is spotted in your rear-view mirror only feet from your back bumper egging you on to drive faster or to let them pass.   It is nonsensical behaviour and not uncommon.  What happens to some drivers when they sit behind the wheel of their vehicle?  It’s as though a trigger is switched, and all sense of caution, safety, and particularly consideration is thrown out the window.  Those on the receiving end can experience feelings ranging from intimidation to extreme anger, even road-rage, and the outcomes, according to Highways England, can be catastrophic.  A report by Highways England, confirmed that over 100 people are ‘killed or seriously injured’ each year in accidents where tailgating is a factor. 

Tailgating, if caught, also ‘attracts’ a potential £100 fine and 3 penalty points but this deterrent clearly isn’t enough.  The root cause of this behaviour is undoubtedly multifold.  Some drivers may be expressing blissful ignorance, just getting on with their daily drive, their mind on other things; others may act with intent either through aggression or as a precursor to overtaking.  Whatever the reason, it doesn’t lessen the impact on the innocent victim.  The important question is, how should you react in these circumstances?  There are a few actions that should be avoided at all costs as they may make the situation worse or lead to a dangerous outcome.  Firstly, any action should lead to de-stressing the situation so best not to adopt an aggressive stance or make an attempt to teach the aggressor a lesson!  Also, avoid braking unnecessarily, flashing your lights, or driving erratically as the consequences of these actions could lead to a serious accident.  

What you may choose is to allow the tailgater to overtake you by moving lane or by slowing down.  You may also consider, if appropriate, overtaking the vehicle in-front of you, or you could simply pull off the road for a while, or use a roundabout as a diversionary tactic to allow the culprit to move on.  These actions may be considered as giving in to an aggressor but perhaps wiser than adopting a confrontational position.  Afterall, you don’t know who this person is or what they are capable of doing so let those empowered to police the roads sort out the tailgaters, as it’s only a matter of time before they are noticed and taken to task!

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